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Histological analyses of toe lesions for commercial broiler at the slaughterhouse of Pollo Olympico S.A., Colombia.

Análisis histológico de lesiones pódales de pollos comerciales en la Planta de Sacrificio de Pollo Olympico S.A., Colombia.

Artículo Original Producto de Investigación

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Balaguera, R., & Córdoba, G. M. (2014). Histological analyses of toe lesions for commercial broiler at the slaughterhouse of Pollo Olympico S.A., Colombia. NOVA, 12(22).


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Ricardo Balaguera
    Geovanna M. Córdoba

      Objetive: To conduct histological analyses of toe lesions for commercial broiler at the slaughter-house of Pollo Olympico S.A., Colombia, with the ultimate goal of proposing recommendations about sanitary containment. Materials and Methods: Poultry subjects were sampled in 10 farms of Pollo Olympico S.A. Macroscopic inspections were conducted on 129.551 animals while the microscopic ones were on 330 toe lesions. Histological analyses evaluated type and depth of inflammatory lesions as well as the presence of fungal infections Results: Macroscopic analyses revealed inflammatory process mediated by heterophiles (73,1%), mixed infiltrates (19%) and mononuclear (7.9%). Lesions were mainly localized at the sub-corneal level (77.9%) and showed no signs of fungal structures, giant cells or vascular presence.

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