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Clinical and radiographic evaluation of grafts biocerámicos type Hidroxiapatita like alternative in the reconstruction of alveoli toothworts postexodoncia

Evaluación Clínica y radiográfica de injertos biocerámicos tipo Hidroxiapatita como alternativa en la reconstrucción de alveolos dentarios postexodoncia

Artículo Original Producto de Investigación

How to Cite
Gallón Nausa, J. (2014). Clinical and radiographic evaluation of grafts biocerámicos type Hidroxiapatita like alternative in the reconstruction of alveoli toothworts postexodoncia. NOVA, 12(22).


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Julián Gallón Nausa

    Objective: The aim of this work is to evaluate the behavior of the bony marginal comb with the platform of the implant as reference, in patients’ cases with graft aloplástico of the pharmaceutical house Madrob in order to support the bony integrity as fundamental element in the placement of dental implants. Materials and methods: There was carried out a study of comparative and market type, with an intentional sample of 30 patients for a total of 81 implants with previous requirement of graft aloplásticos in alveoli pos exodoncia and later dental implant. There were realized clinical and radiographic controls for 3, 6, 9, 12, 24 and 36 months to evaluate the behavior of the bony marginal comb. Results: There is major increase of bony loss for mesial that for distal between 12 and 36 months. Between 24 and 36 months, the increase is equal for mesial that for distal and it is of only 0,05mm. The differences between times are significant all p <0,001. The ANOVA indicates that all the variances are homogeneous and small between 0,18mm and 0,22mm.

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