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Characterization of molecular alterations of hemoglobin in Afro-Colombians

Caracterización de alteraciones en la molécula de hemoglobina en afrodescendientes colombianos

Artículo Original Producto de Investigación

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Castillo, M., & Oliveros, A. L. (2014). Characterization of molecular alterations of hemoglobin in Afro-Colombians. NOVA, 12(22).


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Martha Castillo
    Ana Lucia Oliveros

      Objective: Characterize molecular alterations of hemoglobin in Afro-Colombian subjects, ranging in age from 18 to 50 years. Analyses were conducted via complete blood count, peripheral blood smear, C-Reactive Protein, serum Ferritin, Soluble Transferrin Receptor (sTfR) and electrophoresis. Materials and Methods: A total of 56 subjects were analyzed, 10 men and 46 women. Results: Subjects (from the Aguablanca District in the City of Cali) showed alterations in the hemoglobin chain associated with Hemoglobin S, Hemoglobin C and possible thalassemias due to Fetal Hemoglobin and augmented Hemoglobin A2. Additionally, a small incidence of subclinical deficiencies of iron at different stages was also detected.

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