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Disruptive interventions at the beginning of human life: a bioethical and biolaw debate on the prenatal "death penalty"

Intervenciones disruptivas al comienzo de la vida humana: un debate bioético y del bioderecho sobre la “pena de muerte” prenatal

Artículo Original Producto de Investigación

How to Cite
Zárate Cuello, A. de J., Guerra García, Y., & Cuesta, J. (2013). Disruptive interventions at the beginning of human life: a bioethical and biolaw debate on the prenatal "death penalty". NOVA, 11(20).


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Amparo de Jesús Zárate Cuello
    Yolanda Guerra García
      Joao Cuesta

        Abortion is undoubtedly the disruptive intervention that generates the most debate on the ̈pre- natal death penalty ̈ from the perspective of bioethics and BioLaw. In this case, it is about the deliberate ending of life: prima facie, that of the unwanted child. We will talk about the dignity of the human being, from the moment of the conception of the human person, in the invoking the right to the protection of the physical life that is about to be born.   The decriminalization of abortion leads to the “death penalty” at the beginning of human life, with bioethical, biomedical, biopolitical and BioLaw connotations. Permeating future generations with the postulate of the principle of autonomy and informed consent which links the biological determinism of those who must die, we will discuss the “prenatal death penalty” against abortion in Spain and Colombia.

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