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Integrated risk management in urban areas

La gestión integral del riesgo en territorios urbanos

Artículo Original Producto de Investigación

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Duque Gutiérrez, M., & Quintero Olaya, J. (2013). Integrated risk management in urban areas. NOVA, 11(20).


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Maritza Duque Gutiérrez
    Jaime Quintero Olaya

      As in the rest of the planet, Colombia is undergoing an important migratory flow from rural areas to the cities, an aspect that has been intensified by the armed conflict. This growth in the urban area is generating significant transformations in their adjacent territories, which maintain ecosystems and biological communities of great ecological value. Also, the population is facing situations of risk by phenomena like mass removal and floods, among others, as they are located in hilly areas or close to water sources.   Although major efforts are being made to reduce the demand for resources and their residues, the degradation of bordering ecosystems continues to increase with the consequent loss of biodiversity and the high probability of materialization of risk situations for the population. This article seeks to describe the parameters of a line of research that defines the city as a socio-ecosystem, as an alternative that allows you to make risk management.

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