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Eradication of poverty and quality in health: essential elements to achieve social cohesion in Colombia

Erradicación de la pobreza y calidad en la salud: elementos indispensables para alcanzar la cohesión social en Colombia

Artículo Original Producto de Investigación

How to Cite
Cortés Saavedra, G. M., Campuzano F, S. E., & Turriago C, A. M. (2013). Eradication of poverty and quality in health: essential elements to achieve social cohesion in Colombia. NOVA, 11(20).


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Gloria Mercedes Cortés Saavedra
    Silvia E Campuzano F
      Andrea Marcela Turriago C

        Colombia has recently been defined as one of the countries with great inequity, marked with inequalities and very extensive socio-economic gaps, a situation that requires to urgently look for tools of social cohesion that allow Colombians to improve the quality of life for the population and, at the same time, to meet the challenges of globalization, through the integration to a world that is becoming increasingly heterogeneous. Within this context, social cohesion is relevant and is determined as the constant dialog between the exclusion and social inclusion, as determined by particular characteristics such as employment, welfare, and health among others that give an account of an adequate quality of life for individuals, so that there is a feeling of belonging to society.   In response to this need, it is required that the countries worry about upholding the principles of equity, social development, governance, and a social state of law. Consequently, this article makes a systematic review of the incidence of poverty as a risk factor in the quality of health care, especially referring to malnutrition, as an item that should be improved to start thinking about social cohesion. It arises from the search for background on the development of the research project "Intervention of poverty through the application of a model of entrepreneurship".

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        24. DOI:
        Sistema OJS - Metabiblioteca |