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Sanitary water quality from Chicaque Natural Park

Calidad sanitaria del agua del Parque Natural Chicaque

Artículo Original Producto de Investigación

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Ávila de Navia, S. L., & Estupiñán Torres, S. M. (2013). Sanitary water quality from Chicaque Natural Park. NOVA, 11(20).


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Sara Lilia Ávila de Navia
    Sandra Mónica Estupiñán Torres

      Eutrophication is a natural process in aquatic ecosystems; it is produced by the enrichment of the water body with nutrients. In recent years, humans have accelerated the eutrophication process by changing both the water quality and the structure of biological communities due to increased load of organic and inorganic water bodies. Eutrophication reduces the potential uses of water resources and inducing mortality of animal species, the decomposition of water and the growth  of microorganisms. In addition, microorganisms often become a risk to human health, such as pathogens transmitted by water, which is a worldwide problem.

        To establish the microbiological quality of water, eleven points of the Natural Park Chicaque were evaluated during the rainy season (November 2010) and the dry season (August 2011). The indicators used were total coliforms and Escherichia coli and Enterococcus, the technique used was the membrane filtration, and the identification of some isolated microorganisms was carried out with rapid biochemical tests BBL BD Crystal. The isolation of total coliforms and Escherichia coli and Enterococcus in the water of the Park indicates the fecal contamination of the waters. The presence of these groups of bacteria is related to the impact of the activities of man and animals on the bodies of water and wastewater management.

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      31. DOI:
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