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Epidemiological characteristics and risk factors associated with post covid-19 thromboembolic events in a tertiary level hospital in Colombia

Características epidemiológicas y factores de riesgo asociados a eventos tromboembólicos post covid-19 en un hospital de tercer nivel en Colombia

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How to Cite
Catalina Estrada González, Armando Lucumí Moreno, Carlos Alberto Sánchez, Carlos Javier Muñoz, & Chávez , M. . (2024). Epidemiological characteristics and risk factors associated with post covid-19 thromboembolic events in a tertiary level hospital in Colombia. NOVA, 23(43).

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Introduction. Thromboembolic events trigger significant morbidity and mortality, high rates of hospital readmissions, poor patient quality of life, and a considerable economic impact. Objective: To characterize epidemiologically the risk factors associated with thromboembolic events post COVID-19 in a tertiary level hospital in Colombia. Methodology. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out with the review of 501 medical records of patients over 18 years of age who had suffered a thromboembolic event during January 2021-December 2022. Categorical variables were analyzed using Fisher or chi-square tests. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression was used to assess the effects of thromboembolic complications. Patient survival was analyzed according to the Kaplan-Meier method. Values of p<0.05 were considered significant. Results. CVA (OR=3.099; 95%CI:1.509-6.364, p=0.002) and DVT (OR=3.921, 95%CI:1.577-9.708, p=0.003) were significant in patients with a clinical history of COVID-19 disease. CVA was positively associated with death in the patients studied (OR=1.945; 95%CI:1.093-4.065, p=0.016). Patients older than 71 years, hypertensive or with COPD had a higher risk of death due to a thromboembolic event. Conclusion. In this study, stroke and ischemic heart disease were the most common thromboembolic events. Survival was influenced by hypertension, CKD or COPD as associated risk factors for death due to a thromboembolic event. In patients with a history of COVID-19 infection, CVA and DVT were the most significant.

Conclusions: CVA and myocardial Ischemia were the most frequently encountered thromboembolic events. Survival was influenced by hypertension or COPD. In patients with a history of COVID-19 infection, CVA and DVT were the most significant.

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