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Topic Review: Autoimmune hepatitis in a patient with chronic hepatitis B. A case reportAbstract

Hepatitis autoinmune en un paciente con hepatitis B crónica, a propósito de un caso

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How to Cite
Domínguez Plaja, M. T., Celis, L. G., & Posada López, A. F. (2013). Topic Review: Autoimmune hepatitis in a patient with chronic hepatitis B. A case reportAbstract. NOVA, 11(19).


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María Teresa Domínguez Plaja
    Luis Gustavo Celis
      Andrés Felipe Posada López

        Hepatitis is a viral disease that affects a large portion of the world’s population, which has a multifactorial etiology, thus to facilitate its study has been classified from A to E according with the characteristic. Additionally to viral hepatitis also occurs the autoimmune hepatitis, a disease of unknown etiology of which prevalence and incidence are increasing every year. There is few reports in the literature that describe the possibility of finding viral hepatitis and autoimmune hepatitis in one patient at the same time. Nevertheless some studies have indicated that there is possible correlation between them, situation that make difficult its diagnosis, therapeutic approach, treatment and prognosis. A case of chronic B hepatitis with overlapped autoimmune hepatitis is reported aiming to, get a topic review and diagnostic difficulties.

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