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Proposal for a model for the care of the sexual health of the young adult before HPV

Proposal for a model for the care of the sexual health of the young adult before HPV

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How to Cite
Rico, M. de L., Hernández Ortega, Y., García Hernández, M. de L., & Ignacio Albino, M. (2023). Proposal for a model for the care of the sexual health of the young adult before HPV. NOVA, 21(41).

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Yolanda Hernández Ortega

    María de Lourdes García Hernández

      Introduction. Sexually Transmitted Infections such as HPV mainly affect adolescents and young adults; Women are more susceptible to contracting them due to multiple factors. Promoting sexual health has increased knowledge about prevention, but it is still insufficient. Objective.To propose a model of sexual health care in young adults before HPV. Methodology: the focus of the study was qualitative, convenience sampling, with 13 sexually active key informants. A semi-structured interview was used in the data collection to identify the paradigm of the young adult against HPV in three categories: sexuality, risk of infection, and care. The theoretical proposal of the model reinterprets the concepts to build the framework of the proposal. Results. Beliefs or myths prevail about sexuality limited to intercourse as the only source of pleasure; HPV is recognized as an STI, but it is unknown if there are symptoms and it is confused with another STI; there is a risk of infection mainly due to the number of sexual partners, the responsibility for care is left to the couple, and health services are not used as a preventive form. The care proposal emphasizes self-care according to this paradigm that integrates the physical, psychological, self-knowledge and spiritual areas. Conclusions.Self-care is an interesting concept to address in promoting the sexual health of young adults in the face of the reality that they live concerning STIs.

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