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Guided bone regeneration and implant surgery in a patient with complicated dentoalveolar trauma. Case report

Regeneración ósea guiada y cirugía implantológica en paciente con trauma dento alveolar complicado. Reporte de caso

Reporte de Caso

How to Cite
Ramos- Ramírez, J., Espinosa Segura, B. F., Marenco-Pertuz, F., & Díaz-Caballero, A. (2024). Guided bone regeneration and implant surgery in a patient with complicated dentoalveolar trauma. Case report. NOVA, 22(42).

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Background: The difficulty of dental restoration varies depending on the factors that caused the loss or destruction of the original tissue, the major cause of dental rehabilitation is trauma fracture being more common in young people, these fractures can be restored or cause tooth extraction, in those cases where trauma causes tooth extraction various factors such as density and state of bone contour play an important role when what is wanted is a rehabilitation by dental implant, This is why different techniques and bone graft materials are combined with platelet-rich fibrin to increase the success rate.Objective: To show the clinical management of a patient with complicated alveolar trauma, exposing the surgical protocol, using two types of bone grafts and collagen membranes.  Case Report: Female patient comes to a consultation with a history of complicated dentoalveolar trauma 1 month before care, presents complicated coronal fracture of 12, 21 and 22, It was decided to perform surgical procedure with bone graft in combination with collagen membrane.  Results: The patient developed favorably, obtaining the desired aesthetic and functional results. Conclusion: The application of guided bone regeneration treatment and implant surgery as performed in the reported case was a favorable and innovative option for oral rehabilitation. After 1 year of follow-up of the case, implant and peri-implant stability is evidenced in the use of two types of grafts.

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