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In vitro evaluation of antibacterial potential of Croton lechleri against bacterial isolates from patients with skin ulcers

Evaluación del potencial antibacterial in vitro de Croton lechleri frente a aislamientos bacterianos de pacientes con úlceras cutáneas

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Ramírez, L. C., Castillo Castañeda, A., & Melo Vargas, A. (2013). In vitro evaluation of antibacterial potential of Croton lechleri against bacterial isolates from patients with skin ulcers. NOVA, 11(19).


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Lucia Corrales Ramírez
    Adriana Castillo Castañeda
      Andrea Melo Vargas

        This study evaluated the in vitro antibacterial potential of Croton lechleri against aerobic bacterial isolates from patients with skin ulcers from Agua de Dios Sanitarium, (Cundinamarca, Colombia). Bacterial isolates were isolated and identified using the BBL-Crystal TM automated  system. In vitro antimicrobial susceptibility was evaluated through disk diffusion, agar dilution and well diffusion, using standardized methods from the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). Ethanol extract and petroleum ether from Croton lechleri were used as substrates. Bacterial isolates were obtained from skin ulcers of patients in the hospital. ATCC reference strains were included in the assays as controls: Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC) and Escherichia coli (ATCC). The antimicrobial sensitivity tests demonstrated that Croton lechleri extracts were effective against almost all strains included in this study. Ethanol extract showed the greater antibacterial potential. The technique that showed the best sensitivity and reproducibility in vitro was the diffusion well.

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