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Lymphotherapy induce an increase of blocking factors and correct infertility problems

La Linfoterapia induce aumento de factores bloqueadores y corrige problemas de infertilidad

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Manrique, E., Rincón, V., & Ossa, H. (2013). Lymphotherapy induce an increase of blocking factors and correct infertility problems. NOVA, 11(19).


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Edwin Manrique
    Verónica Rincón
      Humberto Ossa

        This study aimed to confirm the presence of Blocking Factors (BFs) in Mixed Lymphocyte Culture (MLC) from female normal reproducer and sub-fertile rabbit inoculated with two injection of the allogenic lymphotherapy (LIT) to analyze its effect on rate fertility and pregnancy success. The BFs measuring was done intervening MLC with MTT-Formazan non-radioactive technique.

        It was demonstrated BFs presence in MLC in female rabbit groups.. In sub-fertile female reproducers treated with allogenic lymphotherapy a significant increase in the level of FBs after every LIT was observed, as well as a rate fertility increase.. Furthermore, it was established that BFs act on cell proliferation inhibiting the MLC of other species, clearly indicating that the inhibit effect of the BFs is inter-specific and no intraspecific as had sustain until now.

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