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Caregiving preparedness in caregivers of chronic patients and their related factors

Preparación para el cuidado en cuidadores de enfermos crónicos y sus factores relacionados

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Guerrero Gaviria, D. A., Carreño-Moreno, S., & Chaparro-Díaz, L. (2024). Caregiving preparedness in caregivers of chronic patients and their related factors. NOVA, 22(42).

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Introduction: Chronic non-communicable diseases present a burden to care systems worldwide. Family caregivers assume this burden abruptly and without the necessary preparation, so they are prone to overload due to this and other factors. The preparedness caregiving scale has been validated in other contexts and has shown reliable psychometric properties to measure preparation in family caregivers. There are other variables, in addition to preparedness, that influence the caregiver burden, so it is necessary to carry out studies that measure the relationship between variables. Objective: To determine the relationship between caregiving preparedness, sociodemographic and care variables with caregiver burden in family caregivers of people with chronic non-communicable disease. Materials and methods: Quantitative, cross-sectional, analytical study carried out in Bogotá, Colombia in the second semester of 2022. Results: The variables of caregiver age, time as caregiver, and daily hours dedicated to care activities demonstrated to be statistically significant in their relationship with caregiver burden and caregiving preparedness. Discussion: Measuring caregiving preparedness serves as a basis to produce interventions based on the needs in the formation of practical skills for performance as a caregiver. Improving the preparation of caregivers can reduce the overload and the implications that it brings.

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