Diseño y desarrollo de un ambiente virtual de aprendizaje en ventilación mecánica con práctica teleoperada -VENTYLAB-
Diseño y desarrollo de un ambiente virtual de aprendizaje en ventilación mecánica con práctica teleoperada -VENTYLAB-
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Introduction: In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and due to physical distancing restrictions, universities were motivated to set up alternative teaching methods to facilitate the training of health professionals. Objective: To describe the pedagogical considerations for the design and development of a virtual learning environment integrated with technology from a remote laboratory for practical purposes in the training of health professionals on mechanical ventilation issues. Methodology: It is based on a variation of the ADDIE model of instructional design, on which, from the analysis of the context, needs and review of previous experiences, the pedagogical elements are designed for the integration of a Virtual Learning Environment and a ventilatory mechanics emulation system in an environment called Ventylab. Results: Development of an environment for the training of health professionals, designed for the student to apply knowledge of cardiopulmonary pathophysiology in the operation of an invasive mechanical ventilation system. The environment considers educational resources, learning activities, communication, evaluation and interaction with the remote laboratory. Conclusion: The interdisciplinary work for the pedagogical proposal represented a challenge of communication and assembly of different knowledge. This work opens doors for reflection towards the possibility of new teaching practices in university education on issues of mechanical ventilation, as well as methodological application. in other areas of knowledge that require practice.
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