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Análisis retrospectivo de las historias clínicas de una clínica veterinaria en Bogotá

Análisis retrospectivo de las historias clínicas de una clínica veterinaria en Bogotá

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Almansa M, J. E., Galán, J., & Benavides, O. (2007). Análisis retrospectivo de las historias clínicas de una clínica veterinaria en Bogotá. NOVA, 5(8).


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Jorge E. Almansa M
    Jorge Galán
      Oscar Benavides

        An analysis of the data base of medical histories of a located veterinary clinic in Bogota, Colombia is presented to establish the order of importance of the different diagnosed pathologies in the dogs taking into account their frequency, age of presentation, breeds affected and gender. The study includes 72,248 registries. It was carried out between 1994 and 2004. The processes that affect skin and tegumentos represented 24.5% of the studied cases, gastroentéricas pathologies 13,2%, odontológicos infestations by different types from parasites 7.9% and diagnoses 7,1%. The two more prevalent breeds are the Labrador retriever with 23,2% and the French poodle with 18%, which means that among them it makes up for 41.2% of the races taken care of in consultation. Even though the present work, given the characteristics of the used methodology and mainly of the type of sample, does not constitute an exact reflection necessarily of what occurs in the city in terms of pathologies that affect the dogs, it is a first reference and the studied sample is ample in number of cases and time of observation.

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