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Determinación del porcentaje de desperdicio en las labores de aprovechamiento forestal en un bosque pluvial tropical en el municipio de Medio San Juan, Chocó, Colombia

Determinación del porcentaje de desperdicio en las labores de aprovechamiento forestal en un bosque pluvial tropical en el municipio de Medio San Juan, Chocó, Colombia

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How to Cite
Medina Arroyo, H. H., Martínez Guardia, M., Barrios Maturana, F., & Bolilla Flórez, J. A. (2007). Determinación del porcentaje de desperdicio en las labores de aprovechamiento forestal en un bosque pluvial tropical en el municipio de Medio San Juan, Chocó, Colombia. NOVA, 5(8).


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Henry Hernán Medina Arroyo
    Melida Martínez Guardia
      Franklin Barrios Maturana
        José Alexander Bolilla Flórez

          The percentage of waste when taking advantage of a tropical rain was determined in a forest in Medio San Juan, Choco, Colombia. To estimate the percentage of wood waste during the various stages of the process, 107 trees from different species were used.   The difference of tree volume was determined as follows: Total volume of trees 410.67m3 (100%), commercialized trees 247,37m3, chunks 120,09m3, blocks 55,81m3, and processed trees (boards, beams, strips, planks, and wallplates) 35,58m3   During the above processes, 30.76% of the total volume with respect to the commercial volume is wasted;70.76% of the total volume with respect to chunks; 86..41% with respect to blocks; and 91.44% with respect to theprocessed. Among the causes of wood waste, one can consider: termite attacks, wood disease, poor training of thechainsaw crew. This article will give alternatives to reduce waste by identifying and measuring it during the variousproduction stages.

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