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Trastornos mentales entre personas con enfermedad cardiaca. Resultados del Estudio Nacional de Salud Mental, Colombia 2003

Trastornos mentales entre personas con enfermedad cardiaca. Resultados del Estudio Nacional de Salud Mental, Colombia 2003

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Posada-Villa, J., & Moreno, J. (2007). Trastornos mentales entre personas con enfermedad cardiaca. Resultados del Estudio Nacional de Salud Mental, Colombia 2003. NOVA, 5(8).


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José Posada-Villa
    José Moreno

      The objectives of this article are to present the estimated prevalence of mood, anxiety and alcohol abuse/ dependence disorders in people with heart disease in Colombia, and to identify the specific mental disorders more strongly associated with heart disease. A population survey of household-residing adults was carried out in Colombia.    Disorders considered in this study include anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder/agoraphobia, posttraumatic stress disorder, and social phobia), mood disorders (dysthymia and major depressive disorder), and substance use disorders (alcohol abuse and dependence). Heart disease was ascertained by self-report. The association level between these disorders and the cardiac disease was evaluated using ODDS ratios adjusted by age and sex.   After adjusting for age and sex, specific mood and anxiety disorders were more prevalent in persons with heart disease. The estimates of the adjusted OR ́s (95% CI) were 2.6 (1.5, 4.8) for major depressive disorder, 5.6 (1.8, 17.4) for dysthymia, 1.6 (0.4, 6.3) for generalized anxiety disorder, 2.5 (1.0, 6.3) for panic disorder/agoraphobia and 1.5 (0.3, 7.3) for alcohol abuse/dependence among people with versus people without heart disease. Later to the adjustment by age and sex, the estimated prevalence of the mood and anxiety disorders is bigger in persons with heart disease. The strength of association of specific mood and anxiety disorders with heart disease is consistent across disorders.

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