La transgresión a la norma 0459 de atención integral en salud con enfoque forense
La transgresión a la norma 0459 de atención integral en salud con enfoque forense
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A high-quality and timely medical forensic examination can potentially validate and address the crime to restore victims' rights, minimize the trauma they may experience, and promote healing.
To evaluate compliance with the forensic criteria of the comprehensive health care protocol for victims of sexual assault according to resolution 0459 of 2012 in four hospitals in southwestern Colombia.
Retrospective descriptive study, a checklist based on Resolution 0459 of 2012 was used to evaluate the process of care for victims of sexual assault in hospital institutions of low and medium complexity. Descriptive analysis of the data was performed. Categorical variables were presented as absolute and relative frequencies, a Z score test was used with a value of p < 0.05 as statistical significance.
131 cases of sexual assault treated in the emergency services of low and medium complexity institutions were documented. 87% of the cases occurred in women and 50.4% in people under 14 years of age. In most cases, the standard of comprehensive care for victims of sexual violence was not met.
The comprehensive care process with a forensic approach in Colombia is deficient; It violates the rights of victims, transgresses the gender equity policy and resolution 0459 of 2012. These situations could be having a significant impact on the administration of justice, the restitution of victims' rights and the impunity of the crime.
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