Obesity and overweight in the United States of America in the last decade
Obesidad y sobrepeso en Estados Unidos de Norteamérica en la última década
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Introduction: Obesity and overweight are one of the biggest problems facing society today. The figures indicate that obesity is today one of the diseases with the highest morbidity rate, reducing life expectancy and representing a high risk of mortality. Objetive. It consisted of describing and comparing the percentage of obesity and overweight among the different States of the USA. Methodology. A unidimensional frequency analysis was used, expressed through percentages, associated with the variables percentage of obesity and overweight. Additionally, the multivariate analysis of variance was used, in order to contrast the different states. Results: The investigation made it possible to show that adults between 45 and 64 years of age have the highest percentage of obesity in the different regions of the United States of America, while the age range between 18 and 24 years is the group that has the lowest percentage in general. Conclusions. The male sex presents higher levels of overweight compared to the female sex. Similarly, it is observed that obesity has increased over time, while overweight has decreased slightly.
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