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Response surface method for the optimization of lactic acid production conditions from dairy sub products: SLC

Método de superficie de respuesta para optimizar las condiciones de producción de ácido láctico a partir de subproductos lácteos: SLC

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Plata, A., Ramírez, S., & Riaño Luna, C. E. (2012). Response surface method for the optimization of lactic acid production conditions from dairy sub products: SLC. NOVA, 10(18).


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Alexandra Plata
    Sandra Ramírez
      Campo Elías Riaño Luna

        In the study the production of lactic acid from whey goats as main substrate (SLC) was optimized, following 2k experimental design combined with a central composite design and response surface analysis. It was also determined the combined effects of the concentration of three nutrient level (Riboflavin, yeast extract, ammonium sulfate): X1 and temperature (0C): X2 in lactic acid concentration. According with the results there is enough statistical evidence (95% confidence) that showed that the temperature and the concentration of complement and their interaction influence the production of lactic acid obtained by fermenting goat whey. The greatest lactic acid production (23, 68 g / liter) and bacterial growth were gotten with higher concentrations of nutrients and temperature of 42 ° C.

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