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Determinantes Sociales de la falta de Adherencia al Tratamiento de la Tuberculosis en migrantes venezolanos en Colombia, 2018-2019

Artículo Original Producto de Investigación

How to Cite
Acero, J., Ceballos, P. A., Ramirez, A., & Escobar, F. A. (2022). Español. NOVA, 20(38).


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Jaqueline Acero

    Paola Andrea Ceballos

      Alejandra Ramirez

        Fabio Alberto Escobar

          Lack of adherence to tuberculosis (TB) treatment by the Venezuelan migrant population in Colombia has become a public health problem. This is explained by a set of barriers that prevent a successful treatment adherence of these patients that are important to recognize. The objective of our study was to identify the Social Determinants of Health (DSS) that prevented adherence to TB treatment in the Venezuelan migrant population treated during the 2018-2019 period in the Central East Subnet of the city of Bogotá DC. For this We selected a non-probabilistic sample, composed of 19 Venezuelan migrants, 12 Men and 7 Women, who were diagnosed and notified with pulmonary TB. The results allowed us to recognize that family accompaniment and support affect a greater probability of adherence to treatment; Also, when reviewing the variables of occupation, work involvement and extra expenses, we found that surprisingly unemployment seems to improve adherence to treatment, we conjecture that it is possible that since they are not linked to work they have more time to go to the institutions and receive an effective treatment.

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