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Assessing iron functional status in high-performance sports leagues and skating waterpolo Cali, Colombia

Valoración del estado funcional del hierro en deportistas de alto rendimiento de las ligas de waterpolo y patinaje de Cali, Colombia

Artículo Original

How to Cite
Castillo, M., Mora, A. I., Aldana, L., Bermúdez, M. I., & Piraneque, A. (2012). Assessing iron functional status in high-performance sports leagues and skating waterpolo Cali, Colombia. NOVA, 10(17).


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Martha Castillo
    Ana Isabel Mora
      Laura Aldana
        María Inés Bermúdez
          Alejandra Piraneque

            This study aimed to assess the iron functional state in a population of 43 high performance Colombian athletes belonging to Cali skating League (41.9%) and water polo (58.1%, aged 17 - 43, determining serum ferritin, soluble transferrin receptor and soluble transferrin receptor index, demonstrating the presence of subclinical iron deficiencies that lead to risks in the performance of the athlete. 55.8% of the athletes showed normal results, 41.9% had serum ferritin values below the biological reference interval and 2.3% subclinical iron deficiency grade II. The results does not show significant difference between these disciplines.    

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            26. DOI:
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