Hematological and non-hematological diseases related to the ABO phenotype
Enfermedades hematológicas y no hematológicas relacionadas con el fenotipo ABO en pacientes de una unidad hospitalaria de Medellín.
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Introduction: The ABO blood system is composed of A and B antigens, which vary according to nucleotide substitutions, which determine the specificity of the enzyme for which they code. Its clinical importance extends beyond transfusion processes, apparently it is involved in the pathophysiology of various diseases, such as cancer, infections, cardiovascular disorders, among others. Methodology: retrospective descriptive study, with 2708 ABO blood group classification data in hospitalized patients. The Chi2 test of independence was performed to determine the relationship between hematological and non-hematological diseases and blood group. Results: Blood group O was present in 59.2% and AB in 18% of the patients; the clinical entities that predominated were non-hematological ones; Among them the most frequent were gastrointestinal bleeding, diabetes mellitus and fractures for both group A and B. In group AB, tuberculosis and gastrointestinal bleeding occurred. For diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs, anemia of unspecified type predominated in blood groups A, AB and O, while in group B there was sickle cell anemia in crisis. Conclusion: in the present study, the relationship between blood group antigens and the development of a particular clinical entity could not be established from the statistical analysis, but from the clinical point of view, the trend of a higher frequency could be observed. of a disease in a specific blood group.
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