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Biorational control alternatives on Phytophthora infestans, phytopathogen causing gout in potatoes.

Alternativas de control biorracionales sobre Phytophthora infestans, fitopatógeno causante de la gota en papa.

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How to Cite
Cruz Trujillo, J. J., Hernández Gutiérrez, V., Sánchez Leal, L. C., & Fuentes Quintero, L. S. (2021). Biorational control alternatives on Phytophthora infestans, phytopathogen causing gout in potatoes. NOVA, 19(36).


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Jessica Johanna Cruz Trujillo

    Valentina Hernández Gutiérrez

      Ligia Consuelo Sánchez Leal

        Luz Stella Fuentes Quintero

          Jessica Johanna Cruz Trujillo,

          Estudiante. Programa de Bacteriología y Laboratorio Clínico, Facultad Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca.

          Valentina Hernández Gutiérrez,

          Estudiante. Programa de Bacteriología y Laboratorio Clínico, Facultad Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca.

          Ligia Consuelo Sánchez Leal,

          Profesora de Planta, Programa de Bacteriología y Laboratorio Clínico, Facultad Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca.

          Luz Stella Fuentes Quintero,

          Profesora Asociada. Universidad de Bogotá, Jorge Tadeo Lozano.

          The drop of the potato or late blight is one of the most aggressive diseases that attack the potato crops and in a short time destroys them, causing great economic losses, it is produced by the phytopathogen Phytophthora infestans, oomyceto that has taken great importance due to its devastating effects and difficulties in achieving its eradication. Fungicides of a chemical nature represent a problem due to the affected use, which makes it very difficult to eliminate the disease due to the appearance of new resistant species. There are new alternatives for its control, based on the use of substances of the plant nature, and the application of new specific tools to perform gene editing, reprogram or eliminate DNA / RNA sequences, thus favoring the obtaining of cultures free of toxic substances . In this review, specific biocontrol methods are presented, such as essential oils, microbial metabolites, molecular tools and the use of biodegradable substances that favor the management and prevention of pests, which help mitigate the environmental problems generated by the use of fungicides from chemical nature.

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