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Application of electrochemical methods in the removal of organic matter in the juices of the benefit of sisal products: biotechnological alternative for mitigating water pollution in the tributaries

Aplicación de métodos electroquímicos en la remoción de materia orgánica en los jugos producto del beneficio del fique: alternativa biotecnológica para mitigar la contaminación en los afluentes hídricos

Artículo Original

How to Cite
Taborda O, G., Zuluaga R, V., Palomá P, L., & Penagos González, J. P. (2011). Application of electrochemical methods in the removal of organic matter in the juices of the benefit of sisal products: biotechnological alternative for mitigating water pollution in the tributaries. NOVA, 9(16).


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Gonzalo Taborda O
    Viviana Zuluaga R
      Leonel Palomá P
        Juan Pablo Penagos González

          This research was intended to apply electroanalytical technologies, such as electrocoagulation for removal of organic matter present in sisal juices to reduce the environmental impact generated by age-old cultural practice such as the extraction of the fiber (sisal) of Fourcrea c. In the present study, we evaluated the behavior of chemical oxygen demand (COD) through an electrochemical process under different parameters of electric current, voltage and pH to evaluate the optimal operating parameters in the treatment of the waste water, allowing mathematically model the response of this process and propose an alternative to mitigate the pollution generated in the bodies of water.

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          13. DOI:
          Sistema OJS - Metabiblioteca |