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Impacts of COVID-19 on violence against women. The case of Bogotá (Colombia)

Impactos de la COVID-19 en la violencia contra las mujeres. El caso de Bogotá (Colombia)

Artículo Corto

How to Cite
Chaparro Moreno, L., & Alfonso, H. (2020). Impacts of COVID-19 on violence against women. The case of Bogotá (Colombia). NOVA, 18(35), 115-119.


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The literature recognizes that the structural conditions of women's vulnerability derived from the roles associated with care and domestic work and their job insecurity, among others, allow the violence increase against them, which is exacerbated in confinement conditions and social isolation generated by the Covid-19 pandemic. The article studies the mechanisms developed in Bogotá (Colombia) to face violence against women and the challenges related.

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