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Garanticemos la calidad de las muestras respiratorias para diagnosticar COVID-19

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How to Cite
Gómez Garzón, M., Isaza-Cortes, M. P., & Ibañez Galvis, C. (2020). LET’S GUARANTEE THE QUALITY OF RESPIRATORY SAMPLES TO DIAGNOSE COVID-19. NOVA, 18(35), 95-100.


Licencia Creative Commons

NOVA by is distributed under a license creative commons non comertial-atribution-withoutderive 4.0 international.

Furthermore, the authors keep their property intellectual rights over the articles.


Marcela Gómez Garzón

    Martha Patricia Isaza-Cortes

      Catalina Ibañez Galvis

        This article and video describes the procedures for the collection of respiratory swabs that guarantee biosecurity and the diagnosis of COVID-19 in adults and children.

        Article visits 209 | PDF visits 159


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