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Prognostic value of biochemical markers in patients with COVID-19

Valor pronóstico de los marcadores bioquímicos en pacientes con COVID-19

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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Suárez, J. C., Almonacid Urrego, C. C., Hernández Rojas, E. del C., & Mendieta Zerón, H. (2020). Prognostic value of biochemical markers in patients with COVID-19. NOVA, 18(35), 53-60.


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Jennifer Carolina Gutiérrez Suárez

    Carmen Cecilia Almonacid Urrego

      Edith del Carmen Hernández Rojas

        Hugo Mendieta Zerón

          SARS-CoV-2 is a virus from the coronaviridae family, coronavirus (CoV) subfamily and genus β, it has become an imminent threat to all humanity as it is the causal agent of the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to On the one hand, the World Health Organization (WHO) declares a worldwide health emergency, and on the other, to institute strict control measures to prevent its spread by many governments. Regarding the pathophysiology presented in this entity, although lung lesions have been considered the main consequences of this infection, as knowledge about the virus progresses, cardiac, hepatic, and renal lesions have also been identified that enhance severity of the infection generating greater deterioration of the patients, their admission to the Intensive Care Units and a higher risk of mortality; Based on this, various investigations have aimed to determine those clinical and paraclinical findings that may be relevant to the prognosis of the patients. Therefore, this review addresses available literature on the main biochemical biomarkers reported for their association with cardiac, liver and kidney damage, which are more significant in evaluating the course, severity, management and prognosis of the infection and whose alteration ultimately leads to an increased risk of mortality in hospitalized patients presenting with COVID-19.

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