Publindex Journals of Natural Sciences: challenges and perspectives from bibliometrics
Revistas Publindex de Ciencias Naturales: retos y perspectivas desde la bibliometría
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Objective. To describe the behavior of the Natural Sciences journals indexed in Publindex (2004-2020). Methods. A total of 68 Natural Science journals registered in Publindex were analyzed through information registered in databases such as Publindex and Google academic using Harzing’s Publish or Perish (POP) in a combined search of journal title and ISSN. The main measures used were: production indicators (# publications, publications per year and productivity index), citation (H index, G index, E index, HC index and H5 index), reporttry (word concurrence, cluster of words with highest concurrence (30)). In addition,
in relation to Publindex, journals were identified by area of knowledge, by publishing institution, categorization by year and perspective from phase 3 for the next measurement. Results. in the national bibliographic index (IBN) there are 68 journals in Natural Sciences, the highest concentration is in the knowledge area of Earth and Environmental Sciences (24%) and Biological Sciences (21%). Between 2004 and 2014, an annual average of 54 journals categorized in the IBN was registered, with the new classification model the average being below 19 per year between 2017-2020. The journals that concentrate the greatest number of publications in the general total are Revista Colombiana de Física (6.5%), Acta Biológica Colombiana (6.3%) and Revista Colombiana De Entomología (6.2%). The journals with the highest h index are Caldasia (H=43), Revista de La Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas y Físicas y Naturales (H=37). After the simulation for the results of the Call Publindex 2020 in phase 3, the categories that register an increase
are A1 (9%) and C (14%). Conclusions. 37% of the journals in Natural Sciences have a high possibility of being categorized in the IBN 2020. There is a decrease in the number of journal publications and citations since 2017 and 2018 respectively. The journals NOVA, Acta Biológica Colombiana, Biota Colombiana, Revista Lasallista de Investigación, Revista de La Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales and Caldasia register the highest bibliometric indices (H, G, HC, D), besides, they are categorized and plan to
follow it in 2020.
Article visits 361 | PDF visits 159
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