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Biotransformation of heavy metals present in mud bordering the Bogotá and Tunjuelo rivers

Biotransformación de metales pesados presentes en lodos ribereños de los ríos Bogotá y Tunjuelo

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Soto, C., Gutiérrez, S., Rey-León, A., & González-Rojas, E. (2010). Biotransformation of heavy metals present in mud bordering the Bogotá and Tunjuelo rivers. NOVA, 8(14).


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Catherine Soto
    Sonia Gutiérrez
      Alexandra Rey-León
        Edwin González-Rojas

          The presence of heavy metals in mud bordering the middle zone of Bogotá and Tunjuelo rivers, from industrial waste, has influenced and permeated the soil quality in the Bogotá plateau. This is reflected in small concentrations present in plants used for human consumption, causing adverse health effects. The biotransformation of these metals is possible due to the presence of some inorganic molecules and microorganisms capable of interacting, changing its bioavailability in the middle. In this investigation we determined the concentration of chromium, lead, and mercury by the atomic absorption technique, much used in the quantitative study of heavy metals.

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          31. DOI:
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