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A proposal with students of Bacteriology: How to approach the process of measuringmagnitudes experimentally?

Una propuesta con estudiantes de Bacteriología: ¿Cómo abordar el proceso de medir magnitudes experimentalmente?

Guía Académica

How to Cite
Caycedo Lozano, L., & Vargas Hernández, J. (2014). A proposal with students of Bacteriology: How to approach the process of measuringmagnitudes experimentally?. NOVA, 1(1).


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Liliana Caycedo Lozano
    Jeannette Vargas Hernández

      There areconcepts that we daily use, as the act of measure, and perhaps, for that reason, our educational system gives to that act day to day the act responsibility of its practice and experimentation. However, it is clear that in the higher education one hardly can work in the formalization of the “measurement” concept without have before created the space for the analysis and experimentation of the measurement process of some magnitudes. In order to improve this behavior we are here proposing to carry out previous workshop to take into account the above mentioned problem need and make a direct application to the Chemistry possible.

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