Evaluation of edible films of cassava starch and isolated soy protein in the preservation of strawberries
Evaluación de películas comestibles de almidón de yuca y proteína aislada de soya en la conservación de fresas
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Made from different proportions of cassava starch and isolated soybean protein, edible films were prepared by the casting method, which is characterized by mechanical, thermal and morphological tests. The performance of the films was assessed as a coating on the ventana variety strawberries by determining sensory and physicochemical properties as color, appearance, aroma, flavor, texture, pH, acidity and total soluble solids storage at two temperatures: ambient and cooling. In the formulations containing protein a higher elasticity, thermal events at a lower temperature compared with the mixtures, a more homogeneous surface, allowing to improve some properties of the fruit during storage and weight loss. The sensory properties were evaluated using Kruskal Wallis and Friedman tests obtaining no significant differences (p> 0.05) in the first test between treatments and, for the second, significant differences, having a favorable performance in edible coatings.
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- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22490/24629448.448