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Use mathematical models to describe the growth of cancerous tumors

Uso de modelos matemáticos para la descripción del crecimiento de tumores cancerosos

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Zapata Peña, J., & Ortiz, A. C. (2010). Use mathematical models to describe the growth of cancerous tumors. NOVA, 8(14).


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Jair Zapata Peña
    Alba Cristina Ortiz

      The production of cancerous tumors or tumorigenesis has been studied from principles of the twentieth century by mathematicians and physicists interested in biological applications. In this paper we discuss various models using ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, discrete stochastic models, statistical-cal and numerical analysis to describe the growth of cancerous tumors. Shows a comparison between these mathematical models, setting characteristics and limitations due to the specific cancer populations. It extends a model study competition for nutrients using a computer simulation, which shows graphical results of simulations for populations of cancer cells and dead.

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      32. DOI:
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