Evaluation of biocontrol effect of Bacillus spp. vs. Fusarium spp. under greenhouse conditions in Rosmarinus officinalis L.
Evaluación del efecto biocontrolador de Bacillus spp., frente a Fusarium spp., bajo condiciones de invernadero en Rosmarinus officinalis L.
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This study evaluates the effect of the genus Bacillus sp as biological control of fungal phytopathogens in plants, mostly through antagonistic relations that induce cell death in natural way. Fusarium oxysporum is well-known pathogen related with vascular wilt and root rot in a variety of plants; colonizing the vessels and blocking them to cause yellowing of leaves due to the impossibility in the transport of nutrients, causal of serius economic loss in national agriculture. Several mechanisms have been established to control this filamentous fungi within which are the extensive and variable use of agrochemicals and pesticides, but due its harmful effects to the environment, has begun to replace by the use of the genus Bacillus. Its biocontrol effect is mediated by the biochemical profile, as they produce multiple biologically active metabolites; Bacillus subtilis produces fengycin and iturin A, and Bacillus brevis and gramicidin S (1-5), able of inhibit the normal growth and development of other organisms, this suggest its use as a biocontrol of pests to strengthen the current environmental quality standards.
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- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22490/24629448.440