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To assure the quality of the processes related with the handling of waste, it is part of theenvironmental administration

Asegurar la calidad de los procesos relacionados con el manejo de desechos es parte de la gestión ambiental

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Camacho K, J. E., & Lancheros, A. G. (2014). To assure the quality of the processes related with the handling of waste, it is part of theenvironmental administration. NOVA, 1(1).


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Judith Elena Camacho K
    Ana Graciela Lancheros

      The development of the project was based on the popularization and validation of the pattern on the current handling of the waste generated in the laboratories of practice of the bacteriology program and the I.P.S. of the Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca University, in Bogot·, where the master plan is included for managing of waste, and to verify the correlation with the reality, to know breaches and faults during the process of managing of waste, I realize the establishment of conformities or non conformities of the model was realized, as well as of critical points of control for stage of the process and determination of corrective actions using a specific validation protocol for each area, based in the tool of the insurance of the quality HACCP, to predict, to prevent, to unify processes, to mitigate and to compensate the impacts that the production of these can  generate about the environment and the quality of life of the community. The obtained results indicate us that the model elaborated for the institution of services of health and the practice laboratories on managing of waste this being applying, it is known and one gives fulfillment to the legislation on managing of waste, faults were detected in the process, corrective actions were decided to improve and to update the model; giving guidelines to involve a program of follow-up, validation, monitoring and environmental education in institutions so much university and institution of services of health in Bogot· that taken the importance of the correct managing of waste, the necessity of the normalization and application of the existent legislation.

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      14. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      15. DOI:
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