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Evaluationof the use ofduckweedas an alternativefor post-treatmentofdomestic wastewatereffluent fromoxidation ponds

Evaluación de la utilización del duckweed como alternativa de pos-tratamiento de aguas residuales domesticas en efluentes de lagunas de oxidación

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Ramírez, L., & Sierra, L. (2010). Evaluationof the use ofduckweedas an alternativefor post-treatmentofdomestic wastewatereffluent fromoxidation ponds. NOVA, 8(13).


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Luís Ramírez
    Lorena Sierra

      In the current study we worked on a laboratory scale a system for post-treatment of domestic wastewater in batch-type reactors in order to evaluate the potential of duckweed to remove organic matter, nutrients and coliforms, using as substrate wastewater from the oxidation ponds of the wastewater treatment system from the Municipality of Valledupar. The lemnaceae that served as inoculums to develop there search were taken from jagüeyes located on the outskirts of Valledupar. This research analyzed the following parameters: chemical oxygen demand, total nitrogen kjeldalh, phosphorus, coliforms, count of fronds, determination of biomass.

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      18. DOI:
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