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Evaluation of FE-5 team Ritchie vs. technique faecal samples of food handlers in five colombian cities

Evaluación del equipo FE-5 vs. técnica de Ritchie con muestras fecales de manipuladores de alimentos en cinco ciudades del país

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Garzón Gordillo, I. P., Flórez Sánchez, A. C., Ruda Hernández, O., & Reyes Torres, O. A. (2009). Evaluation of FE-5 team Ritchie vs. technique faecal samples of food handlers in five colombian cities. NOVA, 7(12).


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Ibeth Paola Garzón Gordillo
    Astrid Carolina Flórez Sánchez
      Orlando Ruda Hernández
        Omar Andres Reyes Torres

          The objective of this study was evaluate the effectiveness of the team DiaSys FE-5 instrument used as a new concentration technique for intestinal parasite analysis that facilitates the preparation, centrifugation, concentration, and mounting of samples for perusal, which is composed of a Mini Parasep system that optimizes the recovery and concentration of cysts, eggs and larvae in comparison to the traditional technique of modified Ritchie (formalin-ether). 764 fecal samples from food handlers were examined in five cities.   The samples were simultaneously processed and analyzed by the technique of Ritchie and the team DiaSys FE-5. Ritchie’s technique and equipment DiaSys FE-5 allowed the discovery of protozoa and helminths, parasitology, with a kappa concordance index of 0.90, a factor that indicates that the results were similar. This helps to confirm that the computer DiaSys FE-5 is a useful and safe tool in the laboratory for the diagnosis of intestinal parasites, obtaining lower cost benefits, reagents, time and most importantly for the professional bio and improvement of parasitological diagnosis.

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          Sistema OJS - Metabiblioteca |