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Allele and haplotype frequencies of HLA class I (loci a *, b *) in an indigenous population Motilón-Bari, Norte de Santander, Colombia

Frecuencias alélicas y haplotípicas del Sistema hla clase i (loci a*, b*) en una población de indígenas Motilón-Barí, Norte de Santander, Colombia

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Ossa, H., Torres, L., & Nieto, L. N. (2009). Allele and haplotype frequencies of HLA class I (loci a *, b *) in an indigenous population Motilón-Bari, Norte de Santander, Colombia. NOVA, 7(12).


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Humberto Ossa
    Leandra Torres
      Loren Nieto Nieto

        One of the salient features of the HLA system is the high polymorphism, a property which gives it a prominent role in all studies of human biological variability. In order to determine the allele and haplotype frequencies for HLA Class I by PCR-SSP technique, we selected a sample of 72 indigenous members of the population-Bari Motilón Ishtoda communities, Brubucanina, Ocbabuda, Suerera, Shubacbarina Asabaringcayra and Catatumbo, Norte de Santander, Colombia. Statistical tests were performed using software version 3.1 Genepop and Harlequin. HLA class I alleles with higher frequency in the population studied were: A * 02 (47.14%), A * 24 (47.14%), B * 08 (32.86%), B * 65 (40%). Allele frequencies were compared with those reported in a previous study in the Venezuelan Perijá, where we studied the polymorphisms of HLA class I Bari population living in the state of Zulia. It is notable in all studies of ethnic Bari, who despite having a reduced variability polymorphism maintains a high level of heterozygotes.

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