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Biomechanical Analysis of Ongoing Digital Prosthetic Amputee above Knee

Análisis de biomecánica digital en marcha protésica de paciente con amputación por encima de rodilla

Estudio de Caso

How to Cite
Benavidez Noguera, C. C., & Torres Ruiz, A. (2009). Biomechanical Analysis of Ongoing Digital Prosthetic Amputee above Knee. NOVA, 7(11).


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Cristian Camilo Benavidez Noguera
    Andrea Torres Ruiz

      This research, conducted at the BIOMED Digital Biomechanics Laboratory, shows a case study of a patient with amputation above the knee and the monocentric knee mechanism, which employs optoelectronic systems to capture the movement and force transducers plates to obtain data on kinetics and kinematics of the limb. The results were analyzed to try to recognize the major patterns, characteristics and possible improvements in gait, which could provide some basis for the future design of artificial limbs, so they are increasingly functional and similar to the pattern of normal gait.

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      13. DOI:
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