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Frequency of intestinal Parasites in food Handlers in five cities in colombia, 2008

Frecuencia de parasitismo intestinal en manipuladores de alimentos de cinco ciudades de Colombia, 2008

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Rincón, C. E., Garzón, P., Guasmayan, L. M., & Flórez, A. C. (2009). Frequency of intestinal Parasites in food Handlers in five cities in colombia, 2008. NOVA, 7(11).


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Carmen E. Rincón
    Paola Garzón
      Lesly M. Guasmayan
        Astrid C. Flórez

          The main objective of this study was to find the frequency of intestinal parasites in food handlers working in various public restaurants, located in five capital cities of the country and in such establishments know the implementation of good manufacturing practices as a strategy for reducing parasitic morbidity and as a tool for prevention. 300 restaurants were visited where they surveyed 905 food handlers, whom they requested a stool sample were collected 766, which were analyzed by Ritchie’s concentration method (formalin-ether) and intestinal coccidian parasites using the technique Ziehl Neelsen staining.   We found a high percentage of non-pathogenic parasites as Endolimax nana and Entamoeba coli, indicators of poor  hygiene. Myxobolus spp was also found, and Blastocystis hominis, a parasite on which there is still controversy regarding its pathogenicity. One could observe the presence of intestinal parasites in food handlers and their relationship with sanitary toilet practices. Although it had a high percentage in the implementation of these practices the need for extreme hygiene measures such as using gloves for handling food as a protective barrier and as an alternative for reducing foodborne illness cannot be ruled out, leaving aside the disclosure of information about good practices of workmanship you must know and practice of food handlers.

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