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Biological contamination’s control in the teaching laboratories at the Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca University in Bogotá, Colombia

Control de la contaminación biológica en los laboratorios de docencia de la Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca en Bogotá, Colombia

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Álvarez de Weldefort, A., & Campuzano, S. (2014). Biological contamination’s control in the teaching laboratories at the Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca University in Bogotá, Colombia. NOVA, 1(1).


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Alicia Álvarez de Weldefort
    Silvia Campuzano

      Once it was known the assessment about the problems related to the biological contamination that in the panorama of risks at the Health Sciences School highest incidence was found, the biological risk directly involving the performance of daily laboratory tasks. This finding was supported by the microbiological analysis and the prevention measures were implemented through an educational program, in order to reach a change towards a new culture of risks prevention, and to take care of oneself, to find a better quality of and to be able to develop the responsibility to take care of the environment. The educational program used was named Strategies for a New Biosecurity Culture and it was developed since the knowledge about the environment, the community and the agent. This educational program was implemented to teachers, to managing and to people who work in general services, then the evaluation was followed by an assessment of contamination

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      13. DOI:
      Sistema OJS - Metabiblioteca |