Detecting Subclinical Deficiency of Iron from the Index Soluble Transferrin Receptor-Ferritin in Healthy Children 1 to 10 Years of Age Living at Altitudes of 300 and 2,600 meters
Detección de deficiencias subclínicas de hierro a partir del índice receptor soluble de transferrina-ferritina en niños sanos de 1 a 10 años de edad residentes en alturas de 300 y 2600 msnm
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Castillo Bohórquez, M., Mora Bautista, A. I., & Munévar Valderrama, A. (2009). Detecting Subclinical Deficiency of Iron from the Index Soluble Transferrin Receptor-Ferritin in Healthy Children 1 to 10 Years of Age Living at Altitudes of 300 and 2,600 meters. NOVA, 7(11).
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