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Vitamin D estimate in women with osteopenia and osteoporosis inCundinamarca, Colombia, by means of extraction in solid phase, liquid chromatography ofhigh resolution and multivaried analysis

Estimación de Vitamina D en mujeres con osteopenia y osteoporosis en Cundinamarca-Colombia, por medio de extracción en fase sólida, cromatografía líquida de alta resolución y análisis multivariado

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Guevara et al., M. (2014). Vitamin D estimate in women with osteopenia and osteoporosis inCundinamarca, Colombia, by means of extraction in solid phase, liquid chromatography ofhigh resolution and multivaried analysis. NOVA, 1(1).


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Magda Guevara et al.

    At present great interest in the mineral metabolism exists and the role of the vitamin D 3, by its importance in the understanding of the pathogenesis of the Osteoporosis and consequently by its preventive and therapeutic applications. The quantification of the Vitamin D implies various previous steps: separation, extraction and  division that require the development of diverse methods seeking accuracy, precision, rapidity and versatility. The present study had as an objective to quantify the concentrations from serum of the main metabolites of the vitamin D 3 : 24-hidroxicolecalciferol, 24,25-dihidroxicolecalciferol and 1,25 dihidroxicolecalciferol aforesaid as vitamin D3 total in 50 patients with osteopenia or osteoporosis. The trial was carried out for a system of HPLC. The percent recovery post-extraction went of the 85%, the sensibility for the 1,25 dihidroxicolecalciferol went of 12.37 pg/ml and of the colecalciferol of 25 pg/ml. The average of Vitamin D 3 total went of 2072 ng/ ml with an interval from 6.3 to 10600 ng/ml and was found differentiates significant in the Vitamin D concentration averages among women with DMO normal and the ones that had al less osteopenia in hip (p<0.04), nevertheless this difference was not significant in column. A significant difference of average concentrations of vitamin was found D among cases with and without antecedent of fracture (p=0.12). The relation of the concentrations of vitamin is discussed D with the bony mineral values of density and sociodemographic, biological, and clinical variables.

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