Isolation and identification of methanococcus and methanobacterium microorganisms from four different sources in bogota, D. c
Aislamiento e identificación de microorganismos del género Methanococcus y Methanobacterium de cuatro fuentes de Bogotá D.C.
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Methanogenic bacterium get their energy through metabolic production of marsh gas, using substratums like carbon dioxide, acetate and methyl substratums. Metabolic production is done through processes of hydrolysis and acetogenesis which are essentials in the anaerobic degradation of the organic materia in nature. The purpose of this research was to isolate methanogenic bacterium to preserve them in the Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca’ cultivation collection. The sampling were done duplicated in four different sources located in Bogotá D.C, Colombia, which offered the environmental characteristics for their groth. The procedures followed included the sample taking in an anaerobic environment, isolating, in selective recipe and identification of the microscopic characteristics with Gram’s coloration, macroscopic characteristics in the selective media and verification of methane through a sample. The final results allowed evidencing bacteria’s presence such as Methanococcus and Methanobacterium from the sources selected for the study. It was concluded that the best method for the conservation of these species is freezing these samples with the addition of reducing agents and glycerol which acts as a criopreservante.
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