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Production of Pleurotus ostreatus on solid lignocellulosic wastes from different source

Producción de Pleurotus ostreatus sobre residuos sólidos lignocelulósicos de diferente procedencia

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Garzón Gómez, J. P., & Cuervo Andrade, J. L. (2008). Production of Pleurotus ostreatus on solid lignocellulosic wastes from different source. NOVA, 6(10).


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Juan Pablo Garzón Gómez
    Jairo Leonardo Cuervo Andrade

      A culture of the fungus Pleurotus ostreatus was grown on four solid wastes (sugar cane bagasse, maize stem, sawdust, and coffee waste of human consumption) and was used as substrate. The effects of using these four wastes were evaluated individually and in mixtures on the production of the fungus through indicators such as biological efficiency, yield, incubation period, number of days for the appearance of primordium, frequency and percentage of weight of each fruiting body, and productivity. The yield of coffee substrates that, both individually  and in mixtures, varied between 265g to 409g and was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than the substrates that did not have it, in which it varied between 1.5g and 154g.   Comparing the different substrates used in this test, it was observed that the best results were obtained when mixing coffee with sugar cane bagasse or maize stem. In these substrates the number of days of incubation was between 7 and 16 fewer days and the number of days for the appearance of primordium was between 11 and 54 fewer days with respect to the other substrates. Biological efficiencies were obtained that varied between the 4.0 and 48%, whereas in the other substrates biological efficiencies were obtained that varied between 0.5 and 36%. The productivity was between 0.715 and 0.905kg of fresh fungi per 100kg of dry substrate to the day, while in the other substrates productivities were obtained that varied between 0.324kg and 0.494kg of fresh fungi per 100kg of dry substrate to the day.

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