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Hep-2 cells infected with eb’s from chlamydia trachomatis serovar 2 (vr-902b): research perspectives

Células hep-2 infectadas con eb’s de chlamydia trachomatis serovar 2 (vr-902b)

Artículo Original

How to Cite
Castellanos Hernández, N., Castañeda Franco, Y. M., Caro Burgos, P. A., & Sánchez Mora, R. M. (2020). Hep-2 cells infected with eb’s from chlamydia trachomatis serovar 2 (vr-902b): research perspectives. NOVA, 18(33), 21-33.


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Natalia Castellanos Hernández
    Yessica Marcela Castañeda Franco
      Paola Andrea Caro Burgos
        Ruth Melida Sánchez Mora

          Natalia Castellanos Hernández

          Dirección De Sanidad Ejército Nacional de Colombia - Batallón BIAMA - Quibdó, Chocó. Bacterióloga SSO. Grupo de investigación Biotecnología y Genética UCMC

          Yessica Marcela Castañeda Franco

          Dirección De Sanidad Ejército Nacional de Colombia - Batallón ASPC N° 9 -  Neiva, Huila. Bacterióloga SSO. Grupo de investigación Biotecnología y Genética UCMC.

          Paola Andrea Caro Burgos

          Dirección De Sanidad Ejército Nacional de Colombia - Batallón ASPC N° 12 -Montería, Córdoba. Bacterióloga SSO. Grupo de investigación Biotecnología y Genética UCMC

          Ruth Melida Sánchez Mora

          Docente Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca. Líder del semillero  y grupo investigación Biotecnología y Genética UCMC.

          Chlamydia trachomatis (C. Trachomatis) is a Gram negative unmoving bacterium, characterized by being an obligate intracellular microorganism and having a reproductive cycle in which a metabolically inactive extracellular infectious form (elementary body - EB's) can be distinguished, and a non-non-cellular form. intracellular and active infectious (reticulated body - RB's). C trachomatis is characterized by causing infection in humans, is related to sexually transmitted diseases and eye infections, so it can lead to sequelae of interest if timely treatment is not given. The objective of this study was to optimize the infection model of C. trachomatis in HEp-2 cells with elementary bodies (EB’s) of C. trachomatis serovar L2. Initially, the conditions for the adequate growth of HEp-2 cells were established in time and with a confluence of 90%, to continue with the optimization of an infection protocol. The infection was confirmed from the staining with Giemsa allowing to evaluate morphological characteristics of both uninfected and infected HEp-2 cells and also of the elementary bodies of C. trachomatis. Finally, the infection was corroborated with the Direct Immunofluorescence technique that detects the C. trachomatis MOMP membrane protein. After the tests performed, the presence of nearby elementary bodies and within the cellular cytoplasm was evidenced, as well as vacuolated cells and cellular damage caused by the infection.

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