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Ability to research bibliography: a formative investigation with students of Bacteriology and Clinical Laboratory

Capacidad de búsqueda bibliográfica: investigación formativa con estudiantes de Bacteriología y Laboratorio Clínico de la Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca

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How to Cite
Vargas Hernández, J., & Gacharná de Beltrán, H. (2008). Ability to research bibliography: a formative investigation with students of Bacteriology and Clinical Laboratory. NOVA, 6(9).


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Jeannette Vargas Hernández
    Helena Gacharná de Beltrán

      Formative research as a space that seeks to educate for research, is approached from two experiences which take, as a central axis, the bibliographical research, and a dependency not only temporary but also of attitudes and abilities that are planned and developed in the first semester, through independent work in mathematics by means of the invitation to libraries and investigation of their services. Soon one goes to revision of magazines, data bases and specific subjects, by means of key words: equation, number e, logarithm, variation, co variation, linear function, quadratic function, exponential function, logarithmic function.   Bibliographical research is retaken in the second semester, in the space called Direction and Pursuit. The approach is organized there and directed to the elaboration of a revision article, also going through phases of verbal  212 86 information over definition and generalities of the chosen topic. Afterwards, the aspect is specified in the selected subject matter, being important the quotation of the bibliography and, finally, the presentation of the review article. This paper’s objective is to share the experience that was carried out in two subjects to enhance the investigative culture in the University Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca.

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      31. DOI:
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