Relation among the profiles of cerebral dominance of first, fifth, and tenth semester students of the bacteriology program and clinical laboratory of the university colegio Mayor de cundinamarca
Relación entre los perfiles de dominancia cerebral de los estudiantes de primero, quinto y décimo semestres del Programa de Bacteriología y Laboratorio Clínico de la Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
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This article synthesizes the results of the investigation on the relation between the profiles of cerebral dominance of the students of first, fifth, and tenth semesters of the bacteriology program and clinical laboratory of the University Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca in Bogota, Colombia. The students display an appreciable development in quadrant A; that is to say, they have greater dominance in the left cortical quadrant. However, little dominance in the right cortical quadrant D is observed, which supposes that these students have a style of logical, qualitative, analytical, critical, mathematical thought and they are based on concrete facts. Nevertheless, their holistic vision, imagination, creativity, perspective, and heuristic necessary in the optimization of the capacities of the whole brain are not dominant. On the other hand, the results showed little changes among the students of first, fifth, and tenth semesters as far as their scores of cerebral dominance or styles of thought. Different theoretical sources have suggested multiple cognitive and behavioral capacities originate in the genes.
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