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A study of various methodologies to determine the bio-availability of cadmium and arsenic in soil and their relative concentration in plants

Estudio de diferentes metodologías para determinar la biodisponibilidad de cadmio y arsénico en suelos y su relación con la concentración en plantas

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Barragán Moreno, O. L. (2008). A study of various methodologies to determine the bio-availability of cadmium and arsenic in soil and their relative concentration in plants. NOVA, 6(9).


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Olga Lucia Barragán Moreno

    Although works have been made in analytical standardization of methodologies for metal evaluation, there are still major doubts as far as the effectiveness of the used methods and the capacity of the plants to absorb these metals. This parameter would allow defining in clearer form the bioavailability of metals and the risk of contamination of crops. This article shows the results of a research made in Corpoica-Tibaitatá, which objective was to determine the available concentrations of cadmium and arsenic in the ground and to establish a relation with the amounts of these absorbed by the plants; where it was found that the amounts of these metals, that were bound to oxides of iron and manganese, displayed a direct relation with the amounts absorbed by them.

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